Streamlined Aquatics

Providing all the services needed to support your Swim Club or Swim Team.  We can help make your organization run as streamlined as possible!  Serving the metro Richmond, Virginia area.

Swim Training

We provide Advanced Private Lessons, Race Analysis, and Instructor Training for your staff.  Our staff comes with years of experience and have worked with every level of swimmer from beginner all the way up to NCAA swimmers.

Custom Apparel

We can create custom apparel for you to sell to your club's members and families.  We can also host a website for a team shop for your members to place orders for gear with your team or club's logo on it.  For team shops, we work with you to set a price so that your team/club profits off the sales without the need for guessing on the quantities to order in advance.  So you won't be left with excess inventory!  

Staff Training and Club Audits

We can train your staff on all things related to your club, such as lifeguarding, snack bar procedures, member services, and anything to enhance your members' experience.  We can also audit your existing operation to make recommendations for budget efficiency and increased safety.  

Pool Chemical Sales

We can provide all chemicals needed for your pool to run safely while also ensuring the longest life of your pool and equipment.  We can run full water tests and recommend adjustments.

Repairs and Service

Need something in your facility inspected or fixed?  We can help you.  We can also provide service contracts if you are looking for help keeping your facility clean and fully operational.  

For more information about ways that we can help your club or team, contact us at